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Litter Pick Saturday 13th April 2024 10am–12pm – Castleside Village Hall
D-Day 80th Anniversary – Beacon Lighting Thursday 6th June 2024

Top of Drover Road

8pm Field Opens

8.30pm Scarecrow Presentation & Fancy Dress judging

9pm Commemoration starts

Scarecrow Competion Around D-Day Anniversary Further information to follow
Remembrance Sunday Sunday 10th November 2024

2.30pm – St John’s Church

Parade departs at 2.40pm

Christmas Tree ‘Switch On’ Thursday 28th November 2024 6pm – St John’s Church, Castleside


News & Event Posts

James Etherington Musical Award 2024

The James Etherington Award was set up in 1980 to support young people who wish to further their training in singing or the playing of musical instruments. The Award is presented annually following a competition between selected entrants. Young musicians who reside,...

Autumn Festival & Scarecrow Competion 2023

September welcomed the return of Healeyfield Parish Council’s Autumn Festival and Scarecrow Competition. This marked the second year since the pandemic, and we were thrilled once again with the number of entries.  The competition featured an eclectic array of...

Honorary Freedom of the Parish

The Freedom of the Parish is the highest honour a Parish Council can bestow. It is given to recognise exceptional service and valued contribution to the community over a sustained number of years.  Healeyfield Parish Council held a special meeting on 29th June 2023...

Electric Vehicle Charging – Gul-e Project

You may have seen the article, pictured left, in the Summer edition of Durham County News recently. Durham County Council has a small pot of money available during the trial period to help get the project off the ground and support a number of early installations. The...