Council Information

This page allows you to access information on Council procedures and other information realting to the transaction of Council business, including Financial Statements and Parish Precept.

Council Procedures and Statements

Standing Orders 2023

Financial Regulations 2024

Complaints Procedure 2022

Doument Retention & Disposal 2022

Recording at Parish Council Meetings 2022

Equal Opportunities Policy 2022

Grievance & Disciplinary Policy 2022

Social Media Policy 2022

Correspondence Protocol 2022

Agenda Protocol 2022

Minutes Protocol 2022

Safeguarding Policy 2023

Dignity at Work Policy 2023

Freeman or Freewoman Nomination Procedure

Freedom of Information

The Council is covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which gives rights to access certain information held by the Council. The FOI Publication Scheme provides details of the information available and how it can be obtained.

The publication scheme came into effect from 1 January 2009:

Publication Policy 2021

Council Tax Precept

For 2023/24, the parish council agreed to raise the Precept by 5% to ensure that budgeted costs are met, and reserves are not depleted further.

Election 20 May 2021 Healeyfield Parish

Public Participation

Public Participation 2023

Notice of Vacancy

Due to the resignation of a councillor, a vacany has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council. For more information see the document linked below:


Annual Reports

Each year at its AGM the Parish Council receives a Annual Report from the Chair which summaries the Council’s activities during the course of the year.

Annual Report 2022-23

Annual Report 2021-22

Annual Report 2020-21

Annual Report 2018-19

Annual Report 2017-18

Annual Report 2016-17

Annual Report 2015-16

Request for Funding

A request for funding can be made throughout any financial year by completing the Healeyfield Parish Council Funding Application Form, which is attached to the Grants Policy below.  All applications will be reviewed and awarded annually at February’s meeting.

HPC Grants and Donation Policy

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